Red Chokeberry

Last year, we added a red chokeberry (Aronia arbutifolia) ‘Brilliantissima’ cultivar to our front yard because of its beautiful fall color. I had also hoped that the birds would devour the red berries. At least, that was my plan until I learned that its berries have a very astringent taste. To protect it from the rabbits, we put a wire cage around it.
Last week, I spotted two unfamiliar caterpillars on it. The green monster above is the larva of a Polyphemus Moth. I watched it daily as it munched on the leaves of our little chokeberry, wondering whether there would be any leaves left to turn red in the fall. I need not worry anymore. Yesterday, I saw with dismay that another animal – most likely a deer – had eaten almost all ripe berries and for dessert, had chewed off quite a few little twigs.
When left alone, the chokeberry gets to be about 8 feet tall and 4 feet wide. It can take dry to moist soil and sun and partial sun. Spring flowers are white and only last a few days. All in all, the chokeberry is a versatile addition to any native garden, provided that you don’t have deer in your neighborhood.

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