A Summer Hike

During the summer – and once we take down our feeders – we don’t see too many birds in our backyard. We therefore am more interested in wildflowers than birds right now. Last Sunday, we headed out to Raccoon Creek State Park where we stopped at the wildflower reserve first. After admiring eight to nine feet tall ironweeds we inspected the native garden where we fell in love with the blazing star wildflower. We would love to grow this showy flower that seems to be popular with insects too. Now we have to find a nursery that carries them. After all, gardens are always works in progress.
After the detour to the wildflower reserve we headed out on the valley trail, a trail we had never been on before. I soon realized why: the trail is not wider than two feet and winds up and down around the creek banks. At one point, where the trail went down a steep grade toward a foot bridge, I would have turned around if my husband had not urged me on. Needless to say, he had to lift me up the grade on the way back since this was not a loop. We did see many “first” wildflowers that day. Perhaps we should start a life list?
In our backyard we’re still fighting off rabbits and a groundhog. I don’t mind if they eat grass, but they’re not satisfied with that. They even attacked our purple coneflowers this summer. Survivors of the carnage are our new Joe-pye weed and a nice stand of wild bergamot which I photographed the other day. As if rabbits weren’t enough, other plants (such as black-eyed Susans, for example) suffer from the lack of rain. Last night’s downpour was a nice respite for them. What I am also missing this year are butterflies. Where have they all gone to?

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